I turned 18 on January 4th in 2006, and that was probably one of the best nights of my life so far. There are a lot of variables that contribute to that statement, but one of the main reasons that night was so important to me is that it was the first time I saw Hop Along. I had heard 'Freshman Year' before that, but it wasn't until hearing her play upstairs at Cave9, with no help from a microphone and standing over everyone else like an Elementary school teacher that I was completely hooked.
'Freshman Year' is the kind of record that I won't listen to for a few months, then one day I'l find it in my car and play only that for weeks. People who ride with me frequently get sick of it and complain, but I won't change it; it never gets old to me. After a while, I'll change it and the rotation starts over. If you've never listened to it, you should. If you have listened to it, you should listen again.